May 19, 2021
Corona Virus has taken over the world since past 14 months. The Second Wave in India has highly infected people out there resulting to immeasurable deaths daily. Our country is struggling to get over with the second wave of corona which is getting worse day by day. The problems with the second wave are piling up as the symptoms of COVID-19 infections are strange and not common to the previous one. Low Oxygen levels, Breathlessness and Sore throat are among the most common symptoms.
COVID-19 is a respiratory disease, one that especially reaches into your respiratory tract, which includes your lungs. Breathing problems, from mild to critical can be caused due to Corona Virus. Older adults and people who have other health conditions like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes may have more serious symptoms.
Experts claimed that regular respiratory exercise can eliminate the worse affects of Virus. Staying safe at home along with proper exercise and hygiene can definitely help you to be secure.
Department of Physiotherapy and Department of Pharmacy of University of Technology has come up with a test that can help you test your lungs with the help of a video. This Exercise in video will help an individual to evaluate the Lungs Capacity.
In a Video You can see a meter at your screen. The Meter is divided into three Sections that are A to B (Green), B to C (Yellow) and C to D (Red). The Meter starts from point A, which indicates you that you need to inhale. When the meter rang its first bell at point B, you are required to hold the breath and finish it successfully till you hear the second bell of meter at Point C. As the bell rang, you are required to slowly exhale till meter finishes its Semi Circle.
Successful completion of Exercise marks the good lungs capacity. Lesser chances of suffering from Covid are figures from this test.
As Per Experts, “Increasing your airflow with physical activity improves the flow of oxygen in your bloodstream that then increases airflow to your muscles, heart, and lungs. 30 minutes of moderate exercise 5 times per week is recommended to benefit lung health.”
Team University of Technology highly recommends you this exercise. Would also request everyone out there to kindly follow the major protocols of government for safeguarding lives.